Piano Commerciale di Ripresa e Resilienza

PCRR JWTeam Srls – Sede Legale: Via Terrazzano 85  – 20017 Rho (MI) – C.F. e P.I.  12092970966, Cap.Soc. € 200, Pec: pcrrjwt@pec.it

inseriti in realtà economica locale, B2B, PMI, …in tutta Italia
Mandato con/senza esclusiva, http://www.expotv1.com/ESCP_MCC_PCRR.doc (compila, firma/P7M, allega CV/Profilo, invia a comm@pcrr-jwt.it, esiti 48h)
PCRR JWTeam Srls (Startup Innovativa a Vocazione Sociale e con GREEN Digital Marketing) assieme ai partners JWTeam ed ESCP Srl è attiva nella promozione di Patrimoni Immateriali verso Economia Circolare / MITE.GOV. e  Share Economy, con particolare attenzione a Joules, Water e risorse primarie rinnovabili, in favore di inclusività, ambiente e pianeta.

Businness a sostanziale “Costo ZERO”  sono offerti in ognuna della 57 Zone (in Italia, per ora), supportati anche da NFT GREEN ( DeFi / Share Economy ) per operatori di riferimento sul territorio e specifici segmenti commerciali, supportata da dedicata ricerca per AGENTI / BROKERS / Reti Vendita (vedi qui annuncio)PCRR promuove virtuosi assetti per Ricerca & Sviluppo, INNOVAZIONE, sostenuti da PNRR attraverso le sue 6 MISSION, con ulteriori rilevanti opportunità, essendo ed agendo con Startup Innovative (vedi DL Rilancio, art. 38/7) e verso Futuro / EU, quindi portare da_100_a_ZERO_i_consumi_da_FOSSILI:

Piano Commerciale di Ripresa e Resilienza to:

lavoroformazionesvilupposostenibilitàinclusività in ogni territorio (WIPO/UN), anche implementando CapitaliReti e Piano Edi
…dotati di vasto piano di marketing digitale per ASTE TELEMATICHE VOLONTARIE. Opportunità su tutta Italia, come da nostro piano PCRR  342 privative ed opportunità di sviluppo sostenibile (ora Italia, …poi EU), stimoli per altrettante StartUp Innovative, utili a PNRR e sue 6 MISSION (agendo su temi cardine di M2C1, M2C2, M2C3, M2C4) 
…accedi SUBITO ai DIRITTI, con l’Asset in gara d’asta di tuo interesse; qui trovi Impronte DIGITALI di NFT-Auction, ritira i DIRITTI per agire da subito, con sviluppo pro-attivo nella zona (Asset XXY, XX=Lotto, Y=Brevetto), qui il Set NFT-Auction
PCRR JWTeam con propri titoli GREEN ed esclusivi, opera su:
IT&ICT (divulgazione, formazione, aste telematiche e marketing digitale)
PCRR JWTeam offre: Consulenza($),  Impianti(O),  Partecipa a VC/JV; info@pcrr-jwt.it
…scrivici e ne parliamo, magari qui, JWT / EUhttp://meet.google.com/stm-szuy-jud
about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

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